Hyluaronic Acid injected into the lips to provide shape and volume to the natural lips.
Syringes of up to 1ml used at any one appointment. If your desired outcome is bigger and fuller lips 2-3 treatments may be required to achieve your result
Price - £130.00 for 1ml

Also known as "smile lines" - the lines that run from the side of the nose to the corner of the lips.
Hylauronic acid filler is used to plump out and soften the lines.
Deeper folds may need extra treatments.
Lasts up to 12 months
Price - £140.00 for 1ml

Cheek filler helps to sculpt and define the upper arch of the cheekbone, or to add subtle volume to the midface which can be lost during the aging or weight loss process.
Lasts up to 12 months
Price - £140.00 for 1ml (0.5ml each side) super natural look
- £210.00 for 2ml (1ml each side) giving a lifted and more defined look

Filler in the jawline gives definition and structure to the lower part of the face, often paired with Chin filler to help balance and finish of the look. Please note those who are carrying extra weight around this area would not benefit from this treatment as it adds more volume to the lower face, instead you should consider fat dissolving injections, losing weight or opting for chin filler instead.
Lasts up to 12-18 months
Price - £210.00 for 2ml (1ml per side)
£280.00 for 3ml (split between jawline or to add chin filler)

Chin filler helps strengthen and define the chin area by increasing the projection of the chin. This is turn aids in the appearance of both your side and front profile and balancing out facial symmetry.
Lasts up to 12-18 months
Price - £130.00 for 1ml

Hyaluronidase is a product used to break down and dissolve previous filler.
This would be carried out if you have a build up of lip fillers and want to start again or if you have migration where the product has moved out with the lips.
A patch test is carried out prior to proceeding with treatment.
If you are allergic to bee/wasp stings you will be allergic to Hyaluronidase and will not be treated with dermal filler incase there is an emergency where removal was required.
Price - £100.00 per session (more than 1 session may be required if you have a large build up or fillers)